The homestead has been busy, busy!
We canned right up to our last harvest of peppers and I actually lost count of the total tally. I know though between the peps and tomatoes it was at least 150-200 jars maybe.
We sold lots of eggs this summer and took on new customers.
We had the back lot cleared a couple of months ago and Monty has stayed busy with digging ditches to divert rain water and has continued the clean up by the garage(why or why to do we pile up junk and things?) Arrgggg!
I started last month making the no-sew fabric ornaments and just finished the last one this week. I also stenciled a few signs for some early Christmas gifting. I usually give Christmas related presents but this year I am shaking it up and doing a fall theme. Anyhoo...the finished projects:
No sew ornaments:

My lovely signs:
Hope you are getting your craft on!
Happy Fall!